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Which Layer of the Skin Tissue Should be Inserted into Threads When Doing the PDO Thread Lift Treatment?

Dec. 10, 2020

Are there any differences between inserting shallow or deep?

 PDO Threads

Obviously, there are many differences. It depends on what areas are treated. For example, insert threads deeper into the fat layer when doing cheekbones lifting. In fact, cheek bone is a mass of "fat tissue". Cheekbone sagging is the displacement and relaxation of the entire large mass of fat pads, resulting in sagging of the entire facial skin tissue. Only by inserting the thread into the superficial fat tissue below the deeper dermis can the fat pad be pulled up. However, some people’s fat tissue is thin, and insert PDO Threads into the deep layer of fat is better, the doctor should always fully considering the patient’s face condition.

For the area of the eye around and mouth around, SMAS superficial skin tissue is recommended.

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